Precision Positioning of Samples and Objectives

The Key to Successful Microscoping

Whether classical stereo microscopy, fluorescent, widefield or laser scanning microscopy, whether SEM, FIB-SEM, TEM, AFM or correlative microscopy - positioning samples and objectives with subnanometer precision is decisive for the quality of your results with all of these techniques. This fully clickable, new “Nanopositioning for Microscopy” brochure provides a comprehensive overview of objective scanners and sample stages with up to six degrees of motion freedom – illustrated by a variety of today’s microscopy techniques.

Download your brochure here or ask us for a printed copy. 

Always at the right spot – with nanometer precision

PI offers compact sample stages and objective positioners as flexible positioning solutions for your application. The large variety of application cases presented in the "Nanopositioning for Microscopy" brochure gives you a comprehensive overview of the wide range of products on offer – including controllers and thread adapters. 

Application-specific drive technologies

Based on decades of experience with piezo technology, PI has developed versatile high dynamics drive technologies including PiezoWalk® drives, piezo inertia drives, and ultrasonic piezo motors that allow nanometer precision and reliable positioning over long travel ranges (up to 300 µm) and are tailored exactly to the application. These drives are used in parallel-kinematic XY stages, Z positioners for stages and in PIFOC® objective scanners with travel ranges up to 400 µm. Alternative stages with linear motors are also available for longer travel ranges. Our six-axis hexapods are a further ingenious option for positioning heavier loads (up to 30 kg) in widefield microscopy.