[Translate to Chinese:] In addition to the transducer and storage electronics, the E-821.EHD evaluation kit contains the required cabling and corresponding DuraAct piezo transducers for the integration in an application. The output voltage of between 1.8 and 5 V can be used to operate commercially available electric circuits and systems
[Translate to Chinese:] The E-821 energy harvesting electronics is designed to work best with P-876 DuraAct patch transducers
[Translate to Chinese:] To dimension an energy harvesting system correctly, all important boundary conditions must be known and taken into account. The principle itself is simple: Ambient vibrations produce a charge separation in the piezoceramic DuraAct transducer. The electronic circuitry in the E-821 module then ensures a sufficiently stable output voltage that can be adjusted to the load
[Translate to Chinese:] DuraAct patch transducers, which are available in many different designs, can be adapted to the application