D-015 • D-050 • D-100 电容传感器
- 用于要求最高精度的应用
- 量程达1000微米
- 分辨率达0.01纳米
- 带数字式控制器,线性误差达0.01%
- 带宽达10千赫兹
- 伺服控制器E-509.CxA,与E-500压电控制器系统兼容
- 定制设计
Capacitive sensors achieve resolutions into the picometer range over shorter distances. The theoretical measuring resolution is unlimited. In practice, scatter radiation, geometrical effects, and the measuring electronics noise influence the achievable accuracy. In conjunction with the E-509.C1A electronics, the effective noise factor of the D-100.00 sensors (100 µm) is 0.02 nm/√Hz. Corresponds for example, to a resolution of 0.2 nm with 100 Hz bandwidth. The jumper-adjustable bandwidth of the electronics is up to 3 kHz.
In addition to the standard sensors listed here, PI offers customized versions, e.g., in measuring, geometry, material, electronics etc.
Application fields
High-precision positioning.